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Sunnova Financing Option

Sunnova Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

Lock-in Your Solar Energy Costs:

Secure a stable and predictable solar rate for your business, even as future utility costs fluctuate.

Competitive Pricing:

Benefit from competitive pricing with our PPA, even if you can’t utilize the federal tax incentive due to insufficient tax liability.

Tax Benefits:

Potentially deduct your solar energy costs for income tax benefits.

Sunnova Lease

Flexible Payment Options:

Choose between a prepaid lease with an upfront payment or a traditional lease that maintains your cash flow.

Longer Term, Lower Monthly Payments
Lock in a portion of your energy costs with our exclusive 25-year lease.

Tax Benefits:

Potentially receive income tax benefits through lease payment deductions.

Competitive Pricing:

Get excellent pricing with our lease, even without applying for federal tax incentives.

Sunnova Loan

Locked-in Energy Costs:

Enjoy predictable payments for your solar energy and commercial solar battery storage without significantly impacting your cash flow.

Eligible for Federal Tax Incentive:

Own your system and, if eligible, receive up to 100% of the available incentives through your income tax liability.

Tax Benefits:

Potentially benefit from tax deferral for your system through depreciation deductions.

Peace of Mind:

Benefit from expert management of your system by our solar professionals for 25 years, unlike traditional loans.

Sunnova Cash Purchase

Maximum Savings:

Maximize your savings by paying cash upfront for your solar system.

Eligible for Federal Tax Incentive:

Own your system and receive up to 100% of the available incentives if you have sufficient income tax liability.

Peace of Mind:

Our 25-year Sunnova Protect® Business Premium+ plan ensures your system is monitored and managed by our solar experts.

Tax Benefits:

Potentially benefit from tax deferral through depreciation deductions for your system.

Let us Maximize
Your Solar Return

Click the button below for a custom tailored solar analysis, where our experts on solar incentives will design your system and show you projected savings and ROI – making sure to maximize your return at every step of the process!